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5G-Blueprint and 5GAA collaboration initiated

On Monday October 19th several H2020 projects focusing on 5G in the CAM domain, including 5G-Blueprint, were invited by 5GAA to discuss how these projects and 5GAA could work together, and what a suitable mechanism would be that would allow closer cooperation and exchange of knowledge and experience. During this very constructive meeting, several possible ways of cooperation were discussed, they will be worked out further to establish a strong liaison and collaboration between 5G-Blueprint and 5GAA. The first step in that process was to introduce the project to all 5GAA members during a so-called 5GAA Community Building workshop.

The Community Building workshops are integral sessions of the 5GAA quarterly meeting, offering an overarching platform to share news on market-ready C-V2X services and devices or other relevant initiatives with other 5GAA members. The format is based on the concept of “Slam Presentations”, informing the entire 5GAA community in a 5-minutes pitch, facilitating broad awareness and subsequent bilateral discussions within the 5GAA community.

In the last workshop held on October 21st 5G-Blueprint project was presented by Wim Vandenberghe, from Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat and 5G-Blueprint project coordinator.

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