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5G-Blueprint Project Coordinator at the 5GCroCo demo day

On October 21, 2021, Dr. Wim Vandenberghe, 5G-Blueprint Project Coordinator attended the 5GCroCo demonstration day, where seamless connected and automated mobility (CAM) services enabled by 5G technologies in France, Germany, and Luxembourg were presented. Three different use cases were demonstrated during the event: teleoperated driving, high-definition map generation and distribution for automated vehicles, and anticipated co-operative collision avoidance.

Acknowledging the importance of activities and results of both projects and the benefits of their close cooperation, 5G-Blueprint and 5GCroCo had already established a formal collaboration, among others, by incorporating the 5G-Blueprint Project Coordinator, Dr. Vandenberghe in the advisory board of 5GCroCo.

Having the opportunity for profound bilateral discussions with the present 5GCroCo experts and witnessing the 5GCroCo demonstrations from the front row has been very inspiring. The 5G-Blueprint consortium, under Dr. Vandenberghe’s leadership, will now ensure to incorporate the corresponding lessons learned in 5G-Blueprint activities. Grateful for this opportunity, we look forward to continuing the fruitful collaboration with 5GCroCo.

More information about the demonstrated 5GCroCo use cases in the corridor areas that connect the cities of Metz-Merzig-Luxembourg in France, Germany, and Luxembourg, traversing three countries and two borders, can be found here.

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